The graveyard is over 6 acres, and contains the remains of over 10,000 people, mostly buried between 1834 and 1950. There are no spare plots available but we still have occasional family burials into family graves with space. We have a small area where cremated ashes can be buried.
There are 53 war graves (49 from World War 1, and 4 from World War 2). Near the Vainor Road entrance, there is a memorial, along with the graves of 23 soldiers from the nearby Wharncliffe War Hospital. The other war graves are scattered through the graveyard in family graves.
We have 30 victims of the Great Sheffield Flood of 1864, as well as 6 headstones which mention the reservoir bursting.
A large grass area contains the remains of over 2500 paupers from the South Yorkshire Asylum, buried between 1872 and 1948.
The graveyard is looked after by volunteers - mainly Tony Jordan and John Adamson, though others are welcome to join! Some areas are left overgrown for wildlife, and other areas are left for wildflowers and are cut annually.
From mid February we have thousands of snowdrops, followed by crocus, primroses and daffodils in March and April so its well worth a visit.
There are over 1500 headstones and records are kept as to the inscriptions and additional information about many of the graves without headstones. We charge £10 for records enquiries or to locate a grave. Please pay into our bank account:
Wadsley Church Graveyard Community Fund
new 23 05 80 41646985
with your surname as a reference and then email your enquiry to; tonyvjordan@yahoo.co.uk
£10 provides enough petrol to cut the grass once, which takes 7 hours.
Donations are very welcome.
We have our free annual graveyard talk and guided tour on Saturday 21 June 2025 at 2pm. Lasts about 2 hours. Meet at the church doors.